Cartoon Drawing - Step by step Guide

Creating a cartoon drawing involves simplifying shapes, exaggerating features, and adding a sense of humor or playfulness coloring pages for kids to the subject. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you draw a simple cartoon character.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Sharpener
  • Markers or colored pencils (optional)

Step 2: Decide on Your Character

Choose a simple character concept. For this example, let's draw a cartoon cat.

Step 3: Start with Basic Shapes

Begin by sketching basic shapes to outline the character's body. Use a circle for the head and ovals or circles for the body and limbs. Keep it simple and loose.

Step 4: Add Facial Features

Draw a smaller circle inside the head for the cat's muzzle. Add two large, round eyes above the muzzle. Make the eyes expressive by adding pupils and highlights. Experiment with different eye shapes to give your character a unique look. Place a small triangle or oval for the nose and a curved line for the mouth.

Step 5: Create Ears and Hair/Fur

Extend two triangular shapes from the top of the head to represent the cat's ears. Add some zigzag or curved lines within the ears to give the impression of fur.

Step 6: Draw the Body and Limbs

Connect the head to the body with simple curved lines. Add short, stubby arms and legs. Exaggerate the proportions to make the character more cartoonish.

Step 7: Add Tail and Details

Give your cat a tail by drawing a curved line extending from the back. Add details like whiskers, eyebrows, and any other features that enhance the character's personality.

Step 8: Refine and Erase Guidelines

Go over your sketch, refining the lines and adding any additional details. Erase any unnecessary guidelines or construction lines.

Step 9: Add Clothing or Accessories

If you want, you can add clothing or accessories to your cartoon character. Maybe a bowtie, a hat, or a simple shirt to add more personality.

Step 10: Ink or Color (Optional)

You can choose to outline your cartoon character with ink for a more defined look. Alternatively, you can use markers or colored pencils to add color. Experiment with different color combinations to make your cartoon character vibrant and lively.

Step 11: Finalize Your Drawing

Review your drawing, make any necessary adjustments, and add any final details. Congratulations! You've successfully drawn a cartoon character. Remember, the key to cartooning is to keep it fun and simple. Feel free to experiment and create your own unique characters.