You're asking about information related to droughts in India that is suitable for kids. Here's a simplified explanation:

Drought in India for Kids:

Drought is when a place doesn't get enough rain for a long time. India is a big country with lots of different kinds of weather. Sometimes, some parts of India don't get enough rain, and that's when we have a drought.

Imagine you have a garden, and you need to water your plants. If you forget to water them for many days, the plants will look sad, and the soil will dry. This is similar to what happens during a drought in India. 

Droughts can be a problem because:

1. Less Water: When there's less rain, rivers, lakes, and ponds might have less Water. People and animals depend on these water sources to drink and use for other things.

2. Farmers and Crops: Farmers need Water to grow their crops. During a drought, there might not be enough Water for the plants, so they can't grow well. This can lead to food shortages.

3. Animals: Animals also need Water and plants to eat. When there's a drought, they might not find enough food and Water, which can make them sick or even cause them to die.

4. People: People might not have enough water for daily drinking, cooking, and cleaning. Everyone needs to use Water wisely during a drought.

5. Wildfires: Dry conditions during a drought can make forests and grasslands more likely to catch fire. This can be demanding for someone, creatures, and factories. To help during a drought, people can:

Conserve Water: Use less Water for showers, lawns, and washing cars.

Use Water Wisely: Fix leaks and don't waste Water. Every drop counts

Plant Drought-Resistant Crops: Farmers can choose crops that need less Water.

Store Water: People can collect rainwater in buckets or tanks and use it later when it rains.

Help Each Other: People can share Water and resources with those who need it more.

Remember, droughts don't last forever. The rain eventually comes back, and things get better. People in India work together to handle droughts and help each other during tough times.

Just like we take care of our plants and pets, it's important to take care of our planet by using Water wisely and helping each other out, especially during challenging times like droughts. The final date sheet is not.